Written by: Staff Writer


Who are you, and why does your story need to be heard? When you ask for media coverage, you are asking that a particular media house, journalist, or presenter trust that your story will be worth the air space, worth their energy, and worth their audience's time and attention. What makes your story worth all of that? Determine that and be confident in its ability to be worth other people's investments.


Everyone's role is important. People often make the mistake of overlooking seemingly lesser titles and jobs while shooting for Founders, Managers and CEOs. The truth is, it is the people employed under CEOs that make things happen and hold the keys to the success you may need. Respect the receptionists and cleaners the same way you respect bosses. These people will always have more insider information than you.

In addition to that, do not expect special treatment because you have connections. Systems matter and you are not above those systems. If a station says you need to book an appointment, do so regardless of the fact that the owner is your mom's best friend.


Who are you really targeting? Knowing the answer to this will help you determine who you approach and why you approach them. If you are a secular Hip Hop artist, approach the right stations and personnel. Not everyone is interested in consuming what you have to offer. Determining who is a willing consumer of your content will save you a lot of time and heartache.


Just because you've made rounds on social media, television, or radio doesn't mean you have reached superstar status and you can look down on people. There are always bigger goals to reach. Don't let your achievements make you feel as though you have attained all there is to attain in this world. Let humility remind you that your success is a result of the collaborative efforts of a multitude of people.


Not everyone is or will be interested in your work and that is okay. Where possible, build connections that do not hinge on just the work you do. Be interested in the lives of the people who help you get to where you need to be in life. That is especially important as we are all living under a global pandemic and new reality. Ask what they do for a living or as a side hustle. Ask if they are living their dream life or working their dream job. Ask how life has changed after COVID-19. It's not just about you. Focus on other people as well.


All areas of business have their own ways of operating. It is important that you acquaint yourself with and respect these ways of operation if you are to be professional let alone successful. Know where to wear your suit. Know where to tell jokes. Know when to show off your talent. Know how to address people. Make it your job to know.


Do your research and approach the right people with the right information i.e. people with the capacity to help you. Sometimes people request the help of a radio DJ when they need a journalist, or a journalist when they need the station's marketer. Find out what people's roles are and respect their job descriptions.


It is wise to have a set of professionally written and designed documents that are ready to be delivered should they be requested. Although these differ depending on your skill of trade and industry, these usually include a biography including your social media pages, two HD pictures of your headshot and full body shot, a brief of your work and a business profile.


Why do you want to get media coverage? Is it for popularity? If so, what do you want to use that popularity for? The key to marketing is not only the products and services you have to offer but also the way the messages that sell your products and services are framed. This can only be determined after your goals are known. How does getting media coverage benefit you?


One of the easiest ways to learn is by asking questions. It gives you the opportunity to learn from others without much hassle on your part. Ask questions as much as possible, and be interested in hearing what the person you have asked actually has to say. Take notes where possible. Ask how you can answer questions better during interviews. Ask what differentiates big stars and upcoming ones. Ask, learn and implement.